January 2, 2012

#49 – The essentials for what happens on the other side of the camera.

It’s so easy to get lost.

You’re trying to set up that perfect holiday family portrait. You get everyone near a big window for light. You start playing with the dials on your camera to get the right settings. You check your historgram to make sure everything is right.

And then you forget what’s happening in the actual photo. Are there messy faces? Did you group everyone the right way? What about background distractions?

There can be so (very) many obstacles to taking a great photo – which is exactly why I wrote a whack of posts last year on the subject of ... well, subjects. Five posts about taking better photos of people:

Still taking snapshots of friends and family from the straight ahead position (and putting them in the centre?). Think about changing your perspective to improve your photos.

Smiling faces? Meh. Go for the range of emotion when taking a portrait snapshot for stunning shots.

People are vertical, which means at least some of your photos should be vertical too. Here’s a handful of tips on how to make it better.

One of the more popular posts of the year. Here’s a few tricks to make everyone you know look fabulous.

They used to teach this one in photo school – put your subjects on an angle to get more character out of the snapshot.

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